However, the joy stopped suddenly.
There was an eery silence as the skies thickened and darkened. Ugly monstrous black clouds ferociously crawled above the vulnerable earth. The smell of electricity drifted threateningly through the abandoned paddocks. Frightened birds took feeble refuge in lone trees.
The sky brewed. A spectacular show of sheet lightening prepared the setting for a good storm.
Suddenly, angry thunder shook the ground and an icy lash of wind whipped through the grass. We all shuffled inside quickly. The skies opened, and then it rained and rained and rained and rained. The thunder was tremendous, the wind ripped through the hills, the rain felt like it would tear through the roof. Power was lost and we sat anxiously in the flickering house waiting for the roof to leak. The lightening and rain picked up momentum and the roof's skylight become a dancing disco strobe. Flippy hid behind the lounge, Bonnie hid with me, Darrin went to bed. It rained all night and all morning and when we woke up I was delighted by the fact I may get the morning off work. Tragedy struck and I managed to find a way through. However, after work, Bonnie and I went downtown to check out the damage.
This is a picture of the road to Bunnings Warehouse. There are also playing fields around here. Looks like there will be no home improvements this weekend!
Bonnie was excited all those floating sticks in the water! Let me at em! (If only she would let me off this darn leash!!)
This is the Peel river. It is pretty hypnotic to watch the strength of fast moving flood waters!
This is more of Tamworth.
This is the Cockburn River at Kootingal. Normally this is a trickle. (These photos were taken a number of photos after the rivers peaked at 7m and waters had begun to subside).
A lane through farmlands in tamworth under water.
A bit of the carnage after the waters subsided.
Here is some video footage I took:
"Tamworth under water"
"Tamworth peel river floods"
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