Tuesday, 8 July 2008

No gardeners anywhere?

Well, either nobody reads my blog or there are no gardeners around. Nobody gave me any suggestions to what sort of plants I have :(

Maybe I should have made it some sort of competition with a prize?

Anyway, Brown has a good excuse - he thought that some gardening-IT-specialist-whiz-kid-hacker hacked into my blog site to post their OWN plant pictures. He rang me quite distressed at work yesterday to nervously inform me that someone had taken over my website.

But truly, let that be a lesson for us all and let us all remember to back up our web pages, hey?

Life on the farm is pretty quiet at the moment. Just been working - leave at 8am and get home at 7pm. Did spend my weekend being very domestic and working in the garden.

I pulled out all the dead geraniums. And mowed the orchard and around all the small trees. And mulched some of the trees. And made a compost heap in a 44 gallon drum. Did a bit of research first and learned what to put in, and what NOT to put in, a compost bin. I also learned you need to water it and turn it regularly. I liquid fertilised some plants. I repotted a few plants (ribbon plants I think they are called?). Got some thorns in a few of my fingers and hooked a barb from my fence right through my thumb nail. Had fun and got very very dirty. Also, got the ride-on fired up, with the trailer attached, and putted around the farm on that.

I was very distressed on Sunday evening because it appears all our little birdies have moved next door. No more singing from the bush. I think Bonnie and Flip might have scared them off. Then I could hear them all in the NEIGHBOURS orchard. To make it worse, ALL of the birds were steering clear of the WHOLE property! I was pretty devestated by Sunday night. And feeling very unloved! This morning however some of the birds are back, however not nearly as many.

Bonnie still taking herself for walks. Been bringing back some pretty wild stuff each time. Here is a picture of her latest addition to our garden.

Upon closer inspection it is the entire spine of (i think) a sheep. yuk!

Anyway, much nicer than the skull she bought home last week.

Got the new set top box working too. At long last! AND WHAT CRYSTAL CLEAR RECEPTION! Only get 2 extra channels, but the clear picture makes it all worthwhile. It has turned our REALLY BAD reception into a fantastic picture. I am very proud of myself and will have to apologise to a few companies for my rash and abusive emails :)

Another little win - my car passed pink slip today. First go! Don't even have to put new tyres on it! That has never happened before to me in my WHOLE LIFE! Must have been because I cleaned it so well before hand :)

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