Flippy has been settling well. Actually, probably too well. She luuurvves being allowed inside and hasn't really wanted to leave the house. She has been hanging around the fire most of the day just sleeping. Lazy cat.
Although she DID venture out once the other night. Climbed onto the roof and woke us up at about 5pm as she killed a poor little possum. There was a huge commotion on the roof, she disappeared for hours, we thought the possum must have got her. However, it turns out in the end, that she just couldn't figure out how to get down from the roof.
Note camoflouged cat top left of pic.
She got down eventually - one BIG jump straight to the ground. What a thump!
She does seem to be keeping the mice at bay; but probably only by her presence and not by her efforts.
Septic Sam came out on Thursday (not his real name, but should be). :) Pumped the poo from the poo pit. He said it really was overflowing and couldn't have got much fuller! He reckoned that would have probably have explained the smell. He is probably right - the smell seems to have FINALLY gone! Thank gosh for small miracles! It was really bad the last few days. He also gave the tank a clean bill of health, a big relief. However, the branch near the pergola could be disrupting the overflow pipe and needs to be checked out.
I worked today as usual. Darrin stayed home and played with his tractor. He pulled all the shonky fencing up the lane way done and slashed around all the young trees. Looks a bit like a park now. I went into town and almost bought an orange tree and mandarin tree (on special at Kmart, under a big sign that said NOW is the time to plant roses and citrus!), but realised as i went to pay for it that i left my credit card at home, and so had to go home empty handed (how EMBARESSING!). Stopped at a nursery on way home and was told now is the time to plant roses and STONES (NOT citrus!). Citrus is very vulnerable to frost and will die unless kept undercover (whaddya reckon farmer brown?). Gonna buy some peaches and plums instead.
Fiddled around with my new set top box. Only to find out it is a DUD! You've been warned. DON'T BUY ARISTA! Many hours later, and much frustration, I have decided I will have to send it back. Too bad.
Anyway, off to bed. Working again tommorrow, and then have work to do on the farm.
What a happy little farm - lady of the house out shopping all day and the man of the house at home working all day....
BTW - you'll get more comments if you allow annonymous comments!
How come Darrin had to piggy-front the lawn mower????
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